I talk so much about my littles because I love them dearly and they are always with me but BJ is what I'm writing about tonight!
He is my favorite, my very best friend and my home. I'm not a very sappy, romantic person but I consider myself pretty passionate about certain things and pretty honest and real. With me, you get what you see. I can't hide my feelings, thoughts or expressions very well. With that said, BJ gets me, me respects me and loves me unconditionally which is more than I deserve! He's the husband that I never dreamed I would have and the most hands on, involved, dependent father for our girls. They don't even realize how blessed they truly are to have a father like him. I know when they're older they'll see what an incredible Godly man he was to our family.
A few months ago BJ was asked if he'd like the opportunity to go on a missions trip this fall to Guatemala for 8 days. He was thrilled and beside himself with excitement. He'd never done anything that before and would of left that day if he could! I've always felt like God has HUGE plans for BJ and this is only the beginning so I knew he had to go on this trip. He and the group left last Wednesday and will be returning this Thursday. We both knew it was going to be hard on us and the girls but that it was totally worth it and we would power through it! This will be the longest he and I have been apart and the longest the girls will go without seeing him. Being that he works where he lives, we are fortunate to see him often and have almost every meal together. Our girls are so used to seeing him ALL the time so with him gone, it's definitely been an adjustment.

He always takes Bella to school every morning and will either pick her up a donut or have breakfast with her at school. I guess I'm pretty spoiled....not having to drag all 3 of the Littles out the door before 7:30. I always appreciated that he wanted to take her to school but not like I do now! He is so very missed!
We were at church on Sunday and Bella just broke down crying saying she just missed her Dad. I wanted to cry along with her!
Beau has been extra defiant and whenever I ask her why she's hitting, talking back or not listening she says,"Yes mam.I don't know. I want Daddy!!!". I'm sure I'm not the most pleasant when he's gone but I hope I'm not THAT bad to be around.
Jude's not sure what's going on and feels the need to cry whenever Beau does. They're teaming up on me!
BJ's a good Daddy and we're so proud to be his girls!
Washing dishes with their Dad!
Being sick is not that bad if you have your Dad.
We have us a good, good man! Counting down the days till he's with us!