My first time getting to hold her :) |
A pro with daughters :) |
You when you're young and you think you've got your whole future planned out? By the time I was 6 I knew I wanted to be a mommy, have 2 kids (a boy and a girl), and be married. As I got older I figured I would "start" having kids by the time I was 25. Because that's the right, mature age right?! Geez...I didn't have a clue what was coming my way! Never in my weirdest dreams would I think I would have 3 daughters by the time I was 29! Goes to show how much that middle school game M.A.S.H. knows! psh!
After I had Bella and Beau I decided that I was done having kids. Not that it was my decision alone but WE decided that 2 girls was perfect for us so after much prayer and wise counsel, we made the appointment for BJ to have his...well, you know...snipped! We really felt like God was telling us that this was OK and we felt a peace about it. The girls were so young at that time. Bella was 3 1/2 and Beau was 17 months old and a handful! I knew, so I thought, that I couldn't handle anymore kids. November 2, a week or so before BJs appointment, I find out that I'm pregnant!! I'm going to be honest here, I was devastated at first! BJ had a huge grin on his face while I cried and felt sorry for myself! The c-section I had with Beau was still fresh in my mind, I had lost all my baby weight, Beau was kind of starting to sleep through the night....etc! I couldn't believe it! Needless to say, obviously God had other plans for our family of 4.
Minutes after birth and struggling for air |
2 days old |
Jude Galilee was born 7 1/2 months later. She was early and had some struggles in the beginning but turned out to be just fine! I seriously can't imagine our lives with out her silly, hilarious spirit. God knew what He was doing when He sent her to us.
In 4 days Jude will be turning 2! The past 2 years have really flown by and have REALLY kept me busy! Jude is all over the place and copies everything her sisters do, not always a good thing.
Trying to hold her head up. 4 months old |
"What's with the creepy big sister?" :) |
6 months old |
7 months old |
8 months old |
Classic bath picture |
Her first Halloween |
Mother of 3 :) Wow! |
Classic spaghetti picture! |
Almost 1 |
Her 2nd Halloween |
Turning into a blonde! |
My toddler |
Got into make-up!! |
Big blue eyes |
Mischievous personality reveals itself!! |
My big girl |
We always would find her asleep on the floor! |
Our lives have been taken over by 3 little girls and we love it. Jude is our last baby though, unfortunately. During that c-section I had to have my tubes tied due to complications. At the time I was relieved and felt good about it. I go back and forth about it now. Sometimes I want another baby so bad and other times I defiantly do not! Depends on the day and season of life we're in at the time.
So, my youngest littles isn't so young anymore. She sleeps in a twin bed now. She is apparently potty training herself. I often walk in on her naked straddling the toilet. It feels awkward so I say, "Oh....sorry Jude..." then walk out! When did she grow up into a potty training expert?!
She also enjoys climbing onto the counter and then washing her feet in the sink. She's a climber of ALL things. She can open doors, refrigerators, dress herself in her sisters clothes, jam DVD's in the VCR player, and run from me like you would not believe!! Jude is totally a 3rd born and loves to make people laugh. She is our baby girl and I'm SO thankful that God didn't let us decide our own future and how many kids we "thought" we needed.
Happy 2nd Birthday June Bug!!