Today is B.J.'s 28th birthday. 28! Still so young but so close to 30. The littles have just about all my computer paper scattered all over the floor and crayons and markers rolling around everywhere. Bella is rushing to make him his (6th) birthday card before he gets up. Beau is taking her time peeling all the paper off the new crayons... a pet peeve of mine. We have the birthday banner hung and are so excited to celebrate Daddy today.
As I'm typing this I can hear those dang mice downstairs just living it up!! Over the weekend we came to a very difficult decision, not really, and decided to give in a get a cat. Adopt actually. On Valentines day we brought a 8 month old little girl kitten. She was a stray I believe and just needed a home. She's very quiet and shy right now. We gave Bella the responsibility of choosing a name for her...I knew by doing this she would probably end up with a name like "Sally" or "Trisella". Bella went with Valentine Rose, of course. Every cat needs a middle name right? We will probably just call her Valentine. Right now the cat just stays in our room and hides out under the bed. Yesterday was the first time she ventured out into the living room when all the littles had gone to bed. She is very nervous and cautious. She discovered the fish tank and just sat on on our kitchen table with her two front paws on the glass. This may become a problem. Bella has already made this cat her own and has made her cards, a crown and a little sleeping bed in my closet. Bella has been the only one able to get the cat out from under my bed. She crawls under there, dust and all, and whispers sweet little words to her until she finally feels comfortable enough to come out. Bella loves animals, not sure where she gets this from. I'm hoping that after a few days in hiding and checking things out, Valentine will come out and catch those mice! Our chocolate lab, Titan, did not even know there was cat in the house until last night. Titan is an incredible dog but we call him a dumb jock sometimes. He only cares for his ball and is pretty layed back about everything else. Valentine has a bell on her collar, which has been fun at night, and she was slowly creeping around the kitchen while Titan was just laying on the living room floor. The sound of the bell didn't even phase him. We kept waiting for him to see her or smell her but he just layed there! Finally he saw her ans charged. BJ was right there and stopped him but it was a little nerve racking! I felt bad for buddy, he was so confused. Valentine didn't come out again after that.
Right now Beau is standing on a stool trying to sneak a cupcake while I type. For some reason she thinks I can't see her OR she just doesn't care. That's all Beau needs is a cupcake for breakfast. I better go before she gets it.
A look into our life. A stay at home mother of 3 little girls all under the age of 7. Adventures and struggles of trying to raise 3 daughters, everyday chores and duties and trying to make it through each day without loosing my mind and patience. Sound familiar?
Why a blog?
This is my first time to ever do anything like this so please bare with me. I decided to start a blog mostly for myself. I wanted to keep track of all the crazy things that go on in our house on a daily basis. I also thought this would be good for my soul and keep me smiling and laughing even when I feel defeated by my littles at the end of the day. I'm sure there are a lot of blogs out there similar to this one and it may just bore people but that's alright. This is us, me and my littles!
Oh beau beau won't be hyper if she has a cupcake :)