
Why a blog?

This is my first time to ever do anything like this so please bare with me. I decided to start a blog mostly for myself. I wanted to keep track of all the crazy things that go on in our house on a daily basis. I also thought this would be good for my soul and keep me smiling and laughing even when I feel defeated by my littles at the end of the day. I'm sure there are a lot of blogs out there similar to this one and it may just bore people but that's alright. This is us, me and my littles!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My last littles

A year ago this week I had Jude. She was born 4 weeks early. It was a rough pregnancy and I had complications the entire time. I had been having contractions for weeks and had been in and out of the hospital. My doctor was certain that I wouldn't make it to full term. That week the girls and I were outside and I was filling up their baby pool with water. The grass was longer than usual and as I walking I looked down and almost stepped on a huge snake! I screamed (I'm terrified of snakes) and jumped over it. My stomach immediately started contracting and was getting worse. This continued for hours and the next day I was very uncomfortable and I knew I needed to go to the hospital. I was 35 weeks pregnant. The next morning I had a c-section and Jude was born on June 4th at 9am. She was so tiny, to me, and had a hard time breathing in the beginning. She stayed in the NICU for a very LONG week. We were so thrilled when she was able to come home and meet her sisters.
I guess I'm feeling pretty sad that my little June Bug is turning one this week. Honestly, I was overwhelmed and a bit depressed when I found out I was pregnant with our third child. This came as huge surprise to us both and it took me a little while to come around. The thought of three children terrified me and I didn't know how I was going to do it all. I'm not the most pleasant pregnant person to say the least. Looking back, I was selfish and should of felt so thankful to be given another child. Now we have three little girls and I wouldn't change it for anything! I would love a fourth daughter! Lets not get crazy though!

1 comment:

  1. Haha...what a sweet post Farica! I love love that little June Bug! Can you imagine life without her? BORING. I can't believe it's already been a year:)
